Neat F2P is an F2P-only, 1x EXP, authentic RuneScape Classic private server that runs on the Open RSC framework. This is F2P in RuneScape as it was in 2002-2003, just without members content. Of course, it is actually free to play - no credit card required.
We are committed to making Neat F2P as authentic as possible - as close to Jagex's version of RSC F2P as it can be! This is why we will never have global chat, custom server commands, or extra NPC spawns. When you log into Neat, it should feel just like logging into a F2P world of RuneScape back in 2003 - of course, with less players.
So, jump in today and experience what a F2P-only economy can be!
You can read our server rules here.