Neat F2P
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Please read these rules carefully. Note that they apply both to the game server and our Discord.

  1. Be respectful. No mean, rude, or harassing comments. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  2. No offensive names, profile pictures, language or behavior. Use of profanity should be kept to a reasonable minimum. Any derogatory language towards any user is prohibited.
  3. Please speak English in public channels.
  4. No spamming. Do not send a lot of small messages right after each other. These disrupt chat and make it hard to scroll through the server.
  5. No drama regarding other private servers. It makes for uncomfortable conversations that other community members have to read, and has nothing to do with this server.
  6. No advertisements. No invasive advertising, whether it be for other communities or streams. You can post your content in the media channels if it's relevant and provides actual value for the community.
  7. No botting or autoing. This is a legit-only RSC server. Botting or cheating clients and methods are not allowed. This includes botting, auto-clickers and auto-logging. When evidence is found of botting or autoing, all of your accounts will be permanently banned and you will be permanently banned from the community.
  8. No exploiting bugs. If you find a bug, report it. Do not exploit it for your own personal gain.
  9. You can only have 2 accounts logged in at the same time. Having more than two logged in (via a VPN or any other method) is considered cheating.
  10. No account OR account name trading. Trading game accounts or game account names with other users for anything (in-game money, real money, etc.) is not allowed. This will be punishable by mute, temp ban, or more serious measures if needed.
In general, use common sense and don't be a douche!